
I am floored and tearful when I think of all my friends and loved ones around the globe who fight against injustice in their own ways:

  • a mom who counsels other women that there are more options than just abortion
  • a friend who paints beautiful rocks and leaves them in parks for others to find
  • writers who alert us and inspire us and woo us to goodness
  • photographers who tell stories of injustice and ones of beauty in pain
  • lawyers who fight for human rights in various forms
  • medical personnel who love over patients' pain
  • those who plant gardens and teach gardening, and thereby plan(t) for the future
  • friends who endure their own pain and pray from their sofas
  • adopters and foster parents who rescue and love and are loved
  • the voices who cry out in anger at abuse
  • workers in soup kitchens and food pantries
  • those in counseling in schools and hospitals and places of worship and families and online
  • friends who travel the globe to refugee camps and who stay at home and support teens
  • those who are lights in the corporate world and in their own homes and neighborhoods
  • those who teach, in many capacities
  • podcasters and book-club members and newspaper owners who enlighten others
  • friends who attempt to be zero-waste
  • protesters
  • sharers of tea and coffee and lives
  • weavers and light-bringers
  • pray-ers and singers
  • musicians and poets
  • defenders
  • healers
  • humans who let themselves be human and share grace with themselves (heroes)
  • warriors of peace
