Prayer-Walking Evening #20

It's interesting that this was prayer-walking evening #20 because Stephen and I incorporated this walk into our date night, and at our meal together just before this, we had been talking about how next month will be 20 years since we met! Perfect.

None of my usual prayer-walking buddies were able to meet up with us tonight (we missed you, Yuki, Bridget, and Nikka, and I still miss Sophia too, even though she moved back to Norway earlier this year!). But it was special having Stephen along because it was his first time, and my parents being here in Japan and watching the boys tonight meant that Stephen was freed up to come along. 

We started out asking Father to lead us to the right people. We walked, prayed, sang, and it was heartbreaking to see all the dodgy bars through new eyes with a new person along. I often forget just how many dark places there are, how much human trafficking abounds, and how many people, perpetrators and victims, are bound up in chains of hopelessness. 

And then, as we stood in front of Yumekan II, a huge building full of yucky bars, a drunk guy and his girlfriend walked by us. He kept walking in front of us, back and forth, and turning and looking at what we were looking at. With lowered inhibitions, he had no trouble asking us what we were looking at and why. His girlfriend looked embarrassed, but we told them that we were praying for Jesus' light to drive out any darkness. We said that we're praying for the people of Kanazawa and for them, too, for blessings from Jesus. She said that was suteki (or lovely) and he said that he had gone to Catholic kindergarten back in the day and made the sign of the cross and held his hands together like he was praying. He said there was a church just down the street where we could pray, but we explained that we don't need a special building, that Jesus is with us wherever we are and we can pray anywhere. The guy was a bit sarcastic with his crossing himself and gesturing, but honestly, I think they were the ones God was leading us to tonight. Maybe through the alcohol haze something (or Someone) got through. I pray so. 
