Prayer Walking Evening #21

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16b)."

Because we are made righteous through Jesus, any time we pray, it's powerful and effective!

Yuki and I prayed this verse as we walked Saturday evening, and one thing that struck us was the amount of trash everywhere. When Yuki first arrived where we were meeting, a lady had dumped a big bag of trash on the sidewalk right in front of Yuki and other people, which is so extremely strange in Japan. It shocked Yuki and it was the first thing she said to me after I arrived.

And then as we walked, there was trash everywhere--some of it tied up in bags and some of it just loose and flying around the wind. I've never seen anything like it in that area of Kanazawa before.

It got us thinking and praying--was God trying to show us something spiritual through that? I don't know, but I will keep praying and asking him.

We also prayed our usual prayers for freedom for oppressors and for the oppressed, and for freedom for all.
