Prayer-Walking Evening #10

See that nice new face in the center? That's our friend Nikka from the Philippines, and Sophia and I were so glad she could join us.

Well, God just blew our minds tonight!!!

On the corner where the big gray prison-like building is (the one I posted about yesterday--it's still advertising for new businesses to move in, even two weeks later, which is something we've been praying for--that these places will go out of business!), we stopped to pray. Nikka was praying first, and when she finished, I mentioned to her, out of the blue, that the first time Sophia and I prayed there, God showed me a vision of the building collapsing in on itself. Nikka gave me a wide-eyed look and said that as she had been praying, God had given her the exact same vision! She has never read this blog (didn't even know I had it) and I had never told her about this. We all high-fived with God and laughed and cried together. How amazing.

I'm wondering if this is a bigger picture for the whole system of trafficking here in Japan: collapsing, falling into ruin, disappearing. Nikka also saw the building getting farther and farther away from her as she was praying, and disappearing.

We kept walking around, talking, and praying. We walked past the club/bar that advertises that they have foreign women. Nikka noticed a flag from the Philippines included among others. The top country listed was Romania, and it brought to mind that last time Sophia and I walked, we met a Romanian lady named "M" just out in front of that particular building. She was sitting on a bench at a bus stop, and I felt God's nudge to stop and talk to her. (I honestly don't know if she is connected with that bar or not.) We learned that she has been in Kanazawa for 16 years, and then a man walked up and "M" said he was her husband. He didn't look pleased that we were chatting with her. I don't know her story at all, but Sophia and I sensed a heaviness in her. I will keep praying for "M." (I looked for her again tonight but didn't see her anywhere.)

After Nikka mentioned that Philippine flag on that bar, we started noticing them everywhere, which of course made us sad.

We walked past the corner where one time Sophia and I saw a group of dressed-up young ladies and one pimp standing, in the middle of winter, and we stopped again to pray tonight. There were no ladies outside, but that building had some guys dressed in all black and smoking out front, ready to call in guys walking by. And one building away, there were a couple more guys, dressed all in black and smoking, doing the same thing for that building. So the three of us stood in between the two groups of guys and PRAYED. Nikka prayed again, sensing that God would make them all clean.

This time it was my turn to look at Nikka wide-eyed! Not too long ago, I had a vision of Jesus walking along that very street and hugging those girls and that pimp on that corner, causing Jesus' robe to become dirty while at the same time He was making them clean.

I can't stop smiling--tonight was so encouraging.
