Prayer-Walking Time #44: In the Warmth


Stephen and I went back guessed it...the 19th floor of the prefectural office building! It's open till 8:00 PM, it's warm, it's cozy, nobody else is there at 7:00, it's quiet and peaceful, and there's a 360-degree view of the city and sea. Perfect.

Oh, and Hyakuman-san is there to keep us company. (Did you know it's made out of carbon fiber?! Wonder how much that cost!)

I can't remember everything that we prayed for, but I do recall that we lifted up:
  • Foreigners in Ishikawa
  • Christians
  • Non-Christians
  • Salarypeople
  • Service workers
  • Medical workers, teachers, lawyers, city employees
  • Students
  • Noto workers 
  • Noto folks who are still struggling
We asked for the Holy Spirit to keep working, to keep drawing us and others to himself, for release from bondage, for peace, for joy. 

God knows what Ishikawa needs; he knows way better than we do. 

And he knows our own limited faith and yet he continues to sprout those mustard seeds. 
